Pipeline Services

Fabric Formworks (Grout Bags)
Fabric Formworks, also known as Grout Bags, are used to support, protect or stabilise subsea pipelines and structures. They may also be used to raise a pipeline or structure by jacking to a desired elevation. A Fabric Formwork is a flexible shuttering constructed from woven fabric that is subsequently filled with cement grout. The final shape of the hardened grout is defined by the shape and design of the formwork.
Ambico, together with our joint venture partners FoundOcean Ltd., fabricate these ISO certified formworks at our workshop conveniently situated in Navi Mumbai. With locally available materials, equipment & personnel we provide our clients the flexibility and convenience they desire while also substantially reducing their costs.
FoundOcean has the experience of installing fabric formworks for supporting and stabilising pipelines, j-tubes and risers in both preventive and curative conditions, and depending upon the environment, can be deployed by divers or ROVs. In addition, FoundOcean provides specialised grout mixing and pumping equipment together with experienced personnel for the successful installation of the formworks.

MassivMesh Concrete Mattresses
Concrete Mattresses provide some of the most practical engineering solutions for a number of challenges faced by subsea pipelines. Some of these include freespan correction, seabed and soil protection & stabilisation, scour prevention, crossover support & separation for pipelines and umbilicals, and many more.
MassivMesh is a flexible concrete mattress consisting of hexagonal concrete elements linked together with high strength non-degradable polypropylene rope; it is able to flex in all directions. The mattress has been designed to provide a high quality, low cost solution for protection and stabilisation of subsea pipelines and structures, and for its flexibility and ease of handling during installation.
These ISO Certified mattresses our designed by our JV partner FoundOcean Ltd. who have over 40 years experience of subsea and offshore grouting in the industry. They can be fabricated locally at our workshop or at the client’s preferred location where sufficient yard space and cranage is available. The mattresses vary from among a standard range of sises to customised as per the client’s specific requirements. Local offshore personnel are also provided thus giving our clients a high level of flexibility and substantially reducing costs.

Insitu Internal Pipeline Cleaning and Coating
MOGSIL’s internal in-situ pipeline cleaning and coating services provide the means to keep the integrity of oil, gas & water pipelines intact by means of a continuous internal protective epoxy coating that forms a permanent barrier to internal pipeline corrosion. The process provides a variable alternative to conventional solutions (inhibitors, biocides, scrapers and pipeline replacement) for internal corrosion.
The internal pipeline epoxy coating controls corrosion, ARB (Acid Reducing Bacteria) and SRB (Sulphate Reducing Bacteria) and is applied on offshore and onshore, oil, gas, water and brine pipelines. It effectively coats pits, channel corrosion, bends, dents and other discontinuities, girth, spiral and longitudinal welds. It can coat pipeline lengths of up to 45 km (28 miles) with access only required at pipe ends. No pipeline excavation is required for this process, resulting in low pipeline downtime.
MOGSIL’s technology for cleaning and coating will extend pipeline life by stopping the damage caused by corrosion and preventing any future damage. It cost effectively extends the life of both new and corroded pipelines, increases flow rates and product purity, reduces inhibitor and ongoing pipeline maintenance costs, and improves overall economics, amongst other benefits.
Engineering & Life Extension Solutions

Strengthening, Modification, Inspection & Repair
Repairs and strengthening for offshore structures and pipelines may be required for a number of reasons, the most common include fatigue, collision damage, and amendments to certification regulations. Planned changes, such as the installation of new process modules, may increase topside loads, and require further stiffening or bracing of the substructure.
We, together with our joint venture partners FoundOcean Ltd., offer repair and strengthening solutions for ageing or damaged offshore structures including grouted clamps to strengthen, connect and repair tubulars and node joints on jacket structures, as well as their member infilling. Our services include design, engineering, fabrication and installation of the repair schemes with teams that are led by professionals who have extensive experience in structural strengthening solutions with numerous projects completed worldwide. In addition to these, our engineering office also offers complete structural analysis of platforms including SACS, In-place & Finite Element (FE) analysis, amongst others. All analysis take into consideration factors like environmental conditions and soil characteristics and adhere to all necessary code requirements.
Our systems are designed to restore the structural integrity and extend the life of platforms using innovative techniques and best practise methods, and to ensure long-term results. Our ISO:9001 certification assures clients only the best in quality and day-to-day practices and safety at all stages of the repair.

Structural Analysis
Ambico Engineering offers services in platform installation & decommissioning and offshore fixed structure engineering, including in-place and installation analysis. Our team of SACS experienced engineers are also well equipped, using state-of-the-art software, to handle all phases of jacket designing and have been assigned to Semi-Submersible Crane Vessels for on-board engineering support during pipe-laying activities.
Engineering of fixed jacket structures – Our engineers are geared to handle the entire gamut of jacket engineering using SACS suite of programs. The analysis/ design capabilities include:
- In-service design analysis including in-place analysis with Pile Soil Interaction, dynamic & fatigue analysis
- Installation Engineering including load out, lift and transportation engineering for jacket and deck structures
- Naval capabilities include barge modeling and stability calculations for open sea tow
Pipe-lay analysis – The subsea installation and pipe-lay (SIP) team capabilities include:
- Pipeline installation analysis for J-lay, S-lay and Reel-lay method using Flexcom software, including ultra deep waters (up to 3000m)
- Ability to handle every aspect of subsea structures installation (PLET/PLEM, ILT’s), Umbilical’s, Risers and Flow lines (SURF) including static, current, dynamic & fatigue analysis
Drawing Office – 3D modelling Micro station including extraction of 2D drawings and associated activities like preparation of fabrication/shop drawings and material takeoffs.
Installation Support Services

Structural Grouting
FoundOcean Ltd. (UK), our joint venture partner, is an offshore grouting specialist for the global energy construction industries with over 40 years of experience in the field. Their core expertise is securing structures to the seabed by foundation grouting. They also provide structural inspection, repair and maintenance services for subsea and offshore structures, as well as pipeline and cable support and protection services.
The unique Continuous Recirculating Jet Mixers developed by FoundOcean are custom designed for producing very high strength grouts without the use of costly additives. Along with the grout mixer, FoundOcean boasts a wide range of skills and equipment including, among others:
- Detailed quality assurance and control procedures
- Skilled and experienced engineers and technicians
- High capacity grout pumps to deliver grout to the structure
- A high capacity cement silo fleet
- ROV deployed grout density monitoring
In order to provide logistical convenience to our clients, some of the equipment and silos are also stored locally at Ambico-FoundOcean’s workshop in Navi Mumbai and local offshore personnel are provided as well. Clients are thus guaranteed a high level of flexibility and convenience along with significantly reduced mobilisation/de-mobilisation costs.

Fixed Structure Supports
Oil States Barrow Temporary Pile Grippers (TPGs) provide a means for temporarily securing a template or jacket to its driven piles while permanent structural connections are made. TPGs are mounted at the top of a template’s pile sleeves or a jacket’s skirt-pile sleeves during fabrication. After foundation piles are driven, one or more TPGs are actuated to grip the pile, securing the structure while the leveling operation continues and the permanent connections are made. No diver intervention is required.
The high-strength, temporary connections provide the following important advantages during the installation process.
- TPGs facilitate the leveling process, because selected corners of the structure can be secured as leveling progresses, eliminating the need for multiple Latch-Lok™ tools and also improving grouting results
- The devices can be used to secure a jacket temporarily if weather forces the derrick barge off-location; total time required to secure a jacket is approximately 10 minutes